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Altransport NV - Transport

Welcome to
Altransport NV


You can rely on Altransport for the transport of all your goods.

Our company is located directly at the exit of the E17 - R4 motorway and has existed since 1975.

You can count on a smooth service and punctual travel times with us.

We drive daily a large number of tippers in the Benelux, Germany, France and Great Britain. Occasionally also in Spain, Italy and Austria.

We hold all the necessary registrations and permits for these countries, for waste transport too.

Our fleet consists of some 50 vehicles, that all are adapted to the goods to be transported.

For example, we have large volume aluminium tippers of 50 to 70 m³. Those are used for loading of e.g. building materials, coal, fertilisers, metal and aluminium waste. Six-axle lorries that are allowed to weigh a total weight of 44 ton (instead of 40 ton) in England also belong to our vehicle fleet.

To ensure the safe transport of your goods, we were the first in Belgium to have tippers with a cooling unit made, which guarantees a constant temperature on the road. Offal, for example, will be delivered as fresh as when it was loaded. These tippers can both cool and heat.

For the transport of heavy rubble, rocks and steel blocks, we use our “hardox” steel vats.

To provide a prompt service to our customers we have our own workshop, where we can rapidly carry out small repairs.

You will find the Altransport offices in the Veldmeersstraat in Laarne.

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Altransport NV


Steel tipper

Altransport also has "Steel" Tippers. Here are some pictures of these tippers.

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Frigo tipper

Altransport can also transport your goods in "Refrigerated Tippers". On this page you can find some pictures.

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Volume tipper

The Altransport fleet consists of a wide variety of tippers, such as "Volume" Tippers.

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